PCG Equity is a privately-held investment company that owns and manages for its own account over $1 Billion in assets. With offices in New York, San Francisco, Atlanta and Boca Raton, we focus on maximizing risk-adjusted returns while protecting and growing investment capital.
Founded in 1996 as a commercial real estate enterprise, the PCG companies have expanded over the years to own and manage a diverse pool of assets. The PCG portfolio includes substantial financial assets, as well as its core commercial real estate portfolio. Through its affiliate PCG Exchange, PCG owns and manages office, industrial, and retail properties throughout the United States, with particular focus on net lease real estate properties.
PCG is owned and managed by experienced professionals with substantial experience in a wide range of disciplines, including commercial real estate, merchant banking, financial services, technology, media, syndications, and leasing. We specialize in acquiring companies and assets in situations where PCG’s portfolio and structure, coupled with our principals’ unique combination of experience, adds value to situational market opportunities. PCG provides a competitive advantage compared to other buyers, which often allows PCG to pay a premium when acquiring companies and assets.